These are graphs of data that was collected for the MedX seated dip weight stack system early this year for friction measurement. Both graph the same data. One graph is zoomed in on the data. At the start of ROM the MedX seated dip stack has very low friction. At the end of ROM it peaks at a bit less than 2 percent. This was really the start of Project X. Project X will do this type of measurement while a person is training so we will know if the machine is functioning properly or not at all times. Unlike so many other force graphs out there these are by angle, not by time. The orange is the positive, the grey the negative. The difference between the orange line and grey line is the amount of force difference caused by friction.
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{ 136 comments… read them below or add one }
Censorship is a tool of a weak mind.
Josh perhaps you should get join an association with fewer Pro BBrs and compete in contests with only 3 in your weight/age class. This way you can place in the top 3.
How do you explain the lack of advancement after the first year?
Hutchins still harping on friction by proxy as if that explains 30 years of failure at building muscle.
ROFL, King of Hit….
Josh recall your minions they are embarrassing you. Can you tell me why all your trainees look like novices with no significant muscle gained?
What a douche bag, the shit your monkeys on Dr. Darden’s forum spew is outrageous. Karma will work its magic on you and I’m hope I’m around to see the result.
Overload Fitness = Mistake by the Lake
I wonder how many Crossfit competitors finished ahead of Joshy in the male Fitness competition?
By the way, what has Joshy accomplished in competition since he began training using RenEx? Oh, I remember now 7th….wow I’m signing up.
Steve N
I think the roids have affected your brain. I cry when I see people of lower intellect in society, stupid people make me sad, that’s why I cry
Hey Pete,
I’m not the one on Dr. Darden’s forum saying Josh in the new king of HIT and the successor to Arthur Jones. Jittery Ed is your spokesperson and doing a bang up job.
What is your position Pete, jester?
LOL, King Joshy….
Are you one of Joshy’s success stories? Been training for a few years and have nothing to show for it?
hey King Joshy, I’ll continue to post as needed.
Pete, the sucker, a prime example as noted by P.T. Barnum.
ROFL, inner circle jerk….
Where are the facts?
Unsubstantiated claims and quotes from text books doesn’t equate to intelligence. For all the talk and BS the results, other than Josh the fitness model, are the same as the failed SuperSlow protocol which is easy to understand as Hutchins still can’t let a failure die and has dragged Joshy along for the ride.
Joe smacked…
Steve N,
I don’t know how closely you follow RenX, but Project X is not just about friction. Friction is only one aspect. This post was titled the origins of Project X. As far as no results from SS for thirty years? How many sessions have you conducted using SS, on SS equipment, and when were you certified?
Head of the Project X Team
Lower intellect, ROLF. As every RenEx monkey bobs their head in unison.
Group think makes you strong? Good to have Josh thinking for so many…
How many morons are involved in the inner circle jerk? I see you moving old equipment Josh. Times getting hard? Welcome to the Hutchins Disaster Express… All aboard!
Wow! 15 minutes or less per workout!
No wonder the RenEx trainees look like they’ve never picked up a weight before. LOL, an advancement.
Hey Pete, post a picture I want to see a RenEx success story. ROFL
Were are the before and after pictures? What are you guys hiding?
A lot of you guys really hate Joshua and RenX. How do you plan on stopping Joshua? With internet comments. Good luck.
Why do you think Joshua posts your comments? What do you think his purpose is? He doesn’t have to…. So why does he?
This a very good question….why would the king allow the peasants a voice?
and yes, it’s going to take a lot more than internet whining, to stop this ball from rollin.
by year’s end i’ll answer the primary question….and lastly if someone really has beef….if they are very emotional about our work, well then contest it…..either come up with something better or at least write your own thesis….the way you think it should be….i’ll let any peasant post their thesis here.
It is you that needs to provide proof of efficacy. Long on talk and short on proof. I’ve noticed RenEx is great a promising the moon but I haven’t seen anyone, other than Josh, that even looks like they weight train.
Enough talk post your studies and include supporting documents.
Joe H,
Are you serious?
What obligation does RenX have to prove their claims to as satisfactory level for you. If they haven’t done that for you then don’t buy RenX products and don’t train using the RenX method.
I almost feel like the issue is people like you worry that it does work, and are desperately trying to disprove it so that they/you can justify there own training methods and sleep sound at night. By disproving RenX for themselves is an attempt to somehow prove that what they are doing is best.
Why is RenX obligated to do that? RenX makes claims. sure. So do a lot of other people. Normally people just move on if they don’t buy in.
Joe H — No worries what ever training method you are using, and what ever equipment you are using it is far better then RenX. Please sleep good tonight. WINK WINK. Don’t forget to take your medications.
Jeff you sound as desperate as the other RenExers who are short on facts. Josh has talked and talked and talked. Talk is cheap, how is that independent study proceeding at the foremost researcher center in the world? Is it finished? Seems RenEx doesn’t talk about this any longer. Why?
Both my training and sleep are fine. As for the meds, it is you and the others that need to drink the Kool-Aid to feel a part of something not I. I’ve heard so much BS here it’s pathetic and your response it typical and empty of substance.
I’m enjoying watching the weight training community laugh at your fitness model leader guided by the original shyster of unsubstantiated claims and BS. Good luck with your training and I hope you’re using the RenEx method because a year from now you’ll understand that words and 12 minute workouts have not and never will maximize muscle.
I must admit that even though I have always considered myself a straight man I find myself strangely attracted to Joshua, of course I still think he is full of shit, but he looks like a real man.
Josh no matter how hard you try your true nature and the BS you are pimping will show itself. Could be a month could be 10 years but I’m a patient man.
I’ve made my point and anybody with eyes can see the shit here.
Good luck and good bye.
I came backs here to find this comment section seemingly open to non “Inner Circle” non paying members. What’s up? I thought the forum or whatever you want to call this was open only to paying members?
This site has always been free and always will be, but i put most of my efforts towards the RenEx Inner Circle pay site. I will occasionally put stuff up here, but it is not a priority…..the stuff we are doing appears to be over the head of the general community anyway….the ones that get it will appreciate why we have went this direction.
Hi Joe H.,
The study is not done yet, i’ve actually only heard of some preliminary data that sounds quite promising….time will tell.
Thank you for the man love, i now understand your frustrations and reasons for stalking my site.
Good to find an expert who knows what he’s takilng about!
Joe H,
Desperate? Who me? You must have me confused with someone else.
My response is empty of substance?
This thread is about Project X and friction on the MedX seated dip. The data is presented in the graphs. The testing was done by a mechanical engineer with a back ground in industrial testing. It is pretty solid data.
Why don’t you list out 20 things that you don’t like about RenX as a project for yourself and post them here.
don’t hold your breath for that to happen
Well let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Bring it Joe H.
List 20 things you don’t like about RenX. I double douche bag dare you.
Joe H,
I understand RenEx is very upsetting to you, but why don’t you list the reasons why?
And when you are done you can tell us the protocol that works best…when you say RenEx doesn’t, it presumes that you know what does.
Jeff why don’t you list the reasons for your flip flop on RenEx?
I’ll start the list first.
1. Paid employee
See what i mean? crickets…..happens every time….
Come on tough guys who hate, what is the alternative? why do you come here every day? What if i am full of bullshit, why would you be so affected???
define it:
What bothers you?
What do you recommend instead?
I will be more than happy to give you a voice, publish your thesis, and rebut it….but I already know you can’t and won’t support your position or the bizarre behavior of constantly checking a dormant site.
Paid employee…
That is a good one. HAHAHALBAHBAHHA.
Don’t you have anything better than that?
How about talking about exercise?
Well Joe H,
I flip floated because Joshua paid me off. After 18 months of attacking RenEx Joshua’s lawyers sent me a letter asking if I would back off, that I was bad for business. Well I sent the letter over to my lawyers, who then called Joshua’s lawyers.
After some initial discussions Joshua and I had a sit down with our lawyers out at Joshua’s estate in Napa Valley. BTW Joshua has a beautiful wine vineyard. Anyways after a lot of negotiations we came to an agreement.
We don’t have a non-discourse so I could tell you what it was….. Let’s put it this way…. I can use the Napa Valley estate and the RenEx jet when I want to. That was part of the deal……
If Joshua wants to share the rest he can…
Are you retarded?
Show me your studies and how they were executed and I’ll pick them apart for you. No problem.
Josh you can continue to talk as you’ve done for years now but EVERYONE can see the BS.
You talk about advancing the science of weight training and offer absolutely no proof other than hearsay. When the BS is pointed out you and your gibbering fools go into attack mode.
You can run like your mentor did for 30 years but we are onto you.
Hi Joe,
It is nice to see that you continue with your frequent visits, I find it remarkable that you would spend so much time on a ghost town of a site.
I’m sorry, what strength exercise method has been proven to your liking?
Why are you the most common viewer on this site full of BS?
The only proof i need is mass, force, acceleration and gravity…but if you don’t like that we have two major universities researching RenEx.
Why are you so emotional, did I steal your girlfriend once upon a time?
Looks like you guys can still ruffle some feathers even on this “dormant” site. Was that a tumbleweed that just blew by?? I still find some things you guys have talked about worming through my brain and occasionally I even go to the gym and try them.
Something you said Joshua, about “submitting” to the exercise. Some of the stuff about bracing. Some of Al’s comments about picking a weight and just getting to it. Gus’ comments about strength training not being about weightlifting.
Just some stuff I’ve got from you guys writings, there’s more but you get the idea.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by I really appreciate it and I do intend to post much more here in the new year….i have just been very busy with the RenEx Inner Circle, the machines, the business and competing.
As far a ruffling feathers I don’t quite get it….I think that these methods just attract a weird OCD type that is at odds with themselves, it is so weird…I know in person that these are cowardly weak men and I feel bad for them.
Can I use the company jet this weekend to take 3 friends and fly out the desert. I don’t need the jet over the weekend. Just a Thursday pick up drop off, and a Monday pick up drop off. I won’t need the jet during the weekend. Won’t be taking them up to your place in Aspen like last time….. That way I won’t monopolize the G5 in case you need it.
I’ll put the good word in for you on Dr. Darden’s and FB from the air in return. That is awesome that you installed the satellite internet on the bad boy!
Joe H,
“Are you retarded?”, takes one to know one!
LOL… you are too much dude. Thank you for the entertainment. You can’t even list one aspect of the exercise method that you have an issue with. It is sad.
If you are willing to submit to Joshua, he will teach the way. It isn’t too late Joe.
Joh H,
With every post you make here you are one step closer to accepting RenXe. So please keep posting. You must want in, other wise why be here? What do you really want from Joshua? Please reflect on these questions… Look inside of yourself.
SuperSlow Redux should be the name of this site.
Josh why don’t you tell us how you overdeveloped your traps?
According to your friend, you were using multiple sets and/or giant sets and accidentally built up your traps too much. I guess RenEx isn’t getting the job done.
This sort of experience isn’t worth paying for.
Jeff you’re not being paid by Josh?
You’re a bigger fool than I first thought.
Is being sophomoric considered intelligence at RenEx? Seems to be the case. How about a spreading a little more of that BS and useless knowledge you guys consider advancement.
Josh there is nothing new in the world of weight training, your entire premise is wrong and has been since you thought you could take SuperSlow to the next level. You keep preaching about a single set, less than 15 minutes per session and then you use multiple sets to maximize the muscle. Sad little liar…
Josh, we all know you are gay.
Can’t take the heat? I’m not surprised. Empty of ideas and originality.
Joe H.,
Ask yourself if I’m actually worth following this closely….why is Josh Trentine worth so much consideration?
Joe H and DB144 Sound like the exact same guy….
Joe H.,
Congrats on actually discussing exercise…as far as me being a hypocrite you might want to read Ken’ specialization protocols….that workout you mention is straight out of the manual.
As far as me being gay….whether that would be true or not has no bearing on RenEx, but let’s just say for a moment that I am gay….what does that make you? obsessed with a gay guy….
btw I will be writing an article called “Trapped” part 3 in the new year for those who like to follow
Joe H,
Do you thank you are the heat? LOL.
I spent the good chunk of my day at a tool and die shop that is prototyping a cool way to retain linear bearings that I came up with. I will be testing them with LabView and Project X soon I hope. When I left the shop I called Joshua to discuss using the idea in different weight stacks. I have been working on various retention methods for at least five years now. I am chasing G.
Yesterday I spent an hour talking to the mechanical engineer working on Project X and sent various emails back and forth. I also discussed various aspects with Joshua, Al and Gus. We are really starting to get more of it pinned down. The current LabView code is much improved vs. the first version. I need to pick up Joshua’s computer that the engineer has and get it ready to send back to Joshua.
The idea of having computer assisted exercise is nothing new, but I think we are making some really decent refinements over what is available.
Joe H, curious when you say there is nothing new with weight training? I am working on all kinds of new stuff. Go to google patent search and look up my name. That is new — or relatively new. Look up Ken Hutchins patents while you are at it.
What training method do you practice? Ken has all kinds of different routines he recommended to people.
What do you think the differences are between RenXe and Nautilus method?
Your a good sport Joe H. I can’t wait for you to join RenXe.
I promise you he’ll respond without substance….and likely quick….he frequents this forum more than i do….RenEx is interesting apparently….
Yes it is. And I think you will have a new believer soon. He has emotional connection to it, so it really is only a matter of time. It would be cruel not to let him on board at this point….
You are right, he is very close to stepping into the light and has clearly invested much time into us, it would be cruel and unusual not to let him in.
I am a benevolent king…..I welcome Joe H. to my court.
Yes of course, a grand gesture by a great King. All hail Trentine! Long live the king and all of the king’s men and women.
Dusting off a failed protocol, changing verbiage, and dancing around spewing hyperbole as if you found a break through in weight training doesn’t make you anything more than an interesting side show to watch (which is what I’ve done).
You and your monkeys can make sport of those who disagree with you but the fact remains your method doesn’t work. If it worked you’d provide proof but you can’t, because it doesn’t exist. Stick with training old men, women, and the physically disabled where you can make more money in 20 minutes than any other job (remember that phrase?).
Josh you continue talking and I’ll continue laughing at your text book postings and silly group think articles. But in the end you’ve have nothing new but a tired sales campaign and no clothes.
I enjoyed the 39 minute YouTube video. Kinda made remember some basic stuff and why you guys advocate getting your momentary strength down so low.
How many wankers in the RenEx Inner Circle jerk?
Wow! I’ve just read through some of these recent posts and I think I see Rod Serling standing off to the side, ha ha. Private jets etc etc?? I guess Jeffery is just trying to be funny?
I flip floated because Joshua paid me off. After 18 months of attacking RenEx Joshua’s lawyers sent me a letter asking if I would back off, that I was bad for business. Well I sent the letter over to my lawyers, who then called Joshua’s lawyers.
After some initial discussions Joshua and I had a sit down with our lawyers out at Joshua’s estate in Napa Valley. BTW Joshua has a beautiful wine vineyard. Anyways after a lot of negotiations we came to an agreement.
Wow, I think I see Rod Serling standing off to the side?? I thought it was bad on the Darden site, ha ha…
If this method was scientific you’d have reproducible results. For some reason I can’t seem to find the RenEx results? Curious….
I posted a response to this odd posting, saw it on here and now it’s gone? What’s up with that??
I flip floated because Joshua paid me off. After 18 months of attacking RenEx Joshua’s lawyers sent me a letter asking if I would back off, that I was bad for business. Well I sent the letter over to my lawyers, who then called Joshua’s lawyers.
After some initial discussions Joshua and I had a sit down with our lawyers out at Joshua’s estate in Napa Valley. BTW Joshua has a beautiful wine vineyard. Anyways after a lot of negotiations we came to an agreement.
Wow, maybe I am in the Twilight Zone. My above posts were not on here a minute ago , I post a response to that and they both appear????do de doo do,,do de doo do….
i approve comments when i get time
sitting on a beach in Hawaii laughing at the continued comments on a dominant site….here is a quote from Gus D.
“You keep asking for evidence. Every person that does this thing we’re saying feels an unmistakable effect. Every person. Do you want stats? Do you need studies? We have none. Yet. Do you want pics? we’ve published countless photos. My evidence is the results of my clients, my wife, my sister, my brother, friends, colleagues, and a myriad of people who have experienced what we’re talking about. And of course, my own physique development. n=1
In end, if this is all mental masturbation, as you put it, then we know where your predilections lie. “
LOL, Joshy you really have some mental issues don’t you? Always trying to impress like a child yelling look at me.
Once again talk of proof, hearsay, but nothing presented. Oh, I’m sorry the world should just take Joshy and his Master Shyster at their word. ROFL
P.S. Tell Gus his physical development is so wonderful where are his before and after photos? Any client before and after photos?
More empty words and promises from another paid employee. I’m convinced.
Joshy, why do you always try to impress people? Your house, car, and now vacation. Nobody but your employees and brainwashed followers care.
Have you finished in the top 3 of any contest since you return to bodybuilding?
Hi Joe,
Nice to see that you are checking in daily still, would you like me to release some articles so you actually have a reason to come here?
I won’t apologize for anything I’ve earned from my years of hard work.
Apparently you are very interested in following me so you can go to “Muscle Memory” and search Josh Trentine and see what published history there is of me.
Josh Trentine
Natural Olympus – NGA, HeavyWeight, 1st
Canadian Classic – IDFA, Light-HeavyWeight, 1st
Natural Olympus – NGA, Light-HeavyWeight, 1st
World Natural Championships – UIBBN, MiddleWeight, 7th
Canadian Classic – IDFA, Light-HeavyWeight, 1st
Natural Olympus – NGA, Light-HeavyWeight, 2nd
Canadian Classic – IDFA, Professional, 6th
Canadian Classic – IDFA, Professional, 4th
Pro Universe – NGA, 9th
Rocky Mountain Championships – NPC, Masters 40+, 3rd
Joe H,
If you are interested in making this page about photgraphs and you know best send me yours and I will post them here along with your program.
Placing 3rd out of 5 competitors isn’t impressive but what is impressive you consistently place better in the physique classes. You should stick with competing against the male fitness models.
Josh why do you ask for pictures when none are posted from any of your success stories? If I post a photo will it prove you’ve failed if I’m in shape or you’re a success if I’m not? This last ditch effort smacks of desperation but I don’t blame you as your RenEx fantasy is already floundering in reality.
It is not me who has supposedly developed the best training method and equipment ever designed, that was you or are you trying to distance yourself from your previous statements?
It is your responsibility to prove efficacy of RenEx but you can’t and haven’t in the last two years. Your repeated average placing in regional (i.e. small) bodybuilding contests highlights the gap between what you say and the results you’ve achieved (be sure to avoid large competitions to avoid embarrassment).
I don’t expect this to ever change but it won’t stop you from babbling on and bullshitting each and every person you meet about the wonders of RenEx.
How does it feel to stand on stage with your superiors and kid yourself you belong there?
What mistakes in training have you made along the way? If you could go back what would you change? Most of all what was the biggest waste of time as far as training and effort?
That is you argument? Show me photos and post your training routine?
Drowning in promises you can’t keep? I don’t feel badly for you, when you spew BS and lies it eventually bites you in the ass, Mr. Universe. LOL
More muscle quicker and with less training. Do you remember that phrase? What a crock of shit.
Joe H,
LOL….Obsessed much?
Merry Christmas
I would say the biggest mistake I made over and over was falling prey to repeatedly doing Negative Only experiments…I actually even spent a great deal of money on Neg Only machines.
The single moment I regret most was a set of barbell bench presses that tore my pec.
Merry Christmas too you.
Joe H,
BTW which “small” contest did i enter? The PROFESSIONAL Mr.Universe? or the biggest show in Colorado history….and non-tested to boot.
Wow, biggest show in Colorado history and steroid users to boot! Most impressive!
Let me guess it had over 100 contestants, ROFL. Yes a huge show by any standards. I saw larger crowds Christmas shopping.
Keep trying Joshy.
Tell us Great One how many were in the show? Provide a number. I see the hyperbole posted, as you do so often, but never the facts plain and simple.
It seems you are incapable of answering any question directly. Why is that?
I love when you guys babble on about science and then describe how something feels. LOL, stand back , science at work here.
Maybe you’re correct and I should get my own website perhaps or both are available.
Josh you should pay me for keeping this site active.
Rocky Mountain Classic….well over 400 people… a natty i’m always pleased to even place in a non-tested event.
my partial contest history is published on , i’m quite proud of it….check out what you like.
for your web site i would recommend:
I would love to see you publish anything of any substance, please write a article exposing RenEx.
Right back at you Josh. Nothing but retread articles and text book passages have shown up on your website. Can’t wait for your clients to realize after a year or more that no gains have been achieved.
Josh I need not write anything. Everybody knows SS failed to build and maintain muscle in any but the untrained and infirm. So when you built your house of cards on SS theory it failed before it began.
Still waiting for any proof you can provide of efficacy. Here we are after 2 years of RenEx nonsense and no case studies or research. Why? Easy answer is because none exists and nothing will ever be available.
Joe, I am curious what type of routine you do. These guys do get alotta shit. I’m not saying I do everything the way do but they have made me think a great deal. Just curious.
Should say, “I’m not saying I do everything the way they do….”
Myself and Jeffery asked that same question, but don’t hold your breath for an answer. It is clear what RenEx is, we’ve never hid what we stand for, but the detractors continuously post vague statements with zero substance.
The interesting question is why are they so emotional and why are they obsessed?
Joe H,
I already knew you couldn’t write a thesis…you don’t have one….
…..yet you return every day even multiple times a day…..
This show of taking the high road is pathetic. Substance? Come on Josh it is RenEx that has no substance or you would have provided what I asked for months ago. As I said before I’ll stay here until you provide proof or manage to ban me for outing your failed protocol.
Keep talking, it is what you do best, and I’ll keep posting where is the proof but once again Joshy talks and talks and talks…
Josh from here on I’ll call you Father Divine.
Are you going to make any changes in your training such as frequency, # of exercises or any body part specialization?
You may be at the point in time where you have to back off frequency a little. I find that the RenX A & B routine works with Mon.-Fri.-Wed. frequency. At times I do go back to the Big 5 every 4 to 5 days. I’ve been training this way since SS First Edition.
At the time I was about 40 yrs old and everyone, including my friends, thought I was crazy going so slow. They could not criticize too much because I was one of the strongest no drug users in the gym. Now I’m nearing 62 yrs old and in great shape and still going.
I think the RenX problem is it’s too much mental discipline for most and they still want to impress people in the gym by throwing weights up & down.
Is RenX 2nd Edition in the near future?
Josh, I’m emotional? Were you emotional when you had your hissy fit and threatened people on Dr.D’s forum?
Perhaps you should review Dr.D’s case studies and learn how to do you own or will you continue to hide behind words as you have for 2 years?
The only emotion I’m exhibiting is compassion. Compassion for those you are going to screw over with this failed protocol. Keep entering the Physique shows, that is your bread and butter not bodybuilding but prancing about and spewing empty words. Like your Master before you, your failure will be legendary.
1 or 2 x per week, after a warm up sets:
DL or SLDL (1 set)
Lat PD or Barbell Bent Row (2 sets) followed by Pullover (1 set)
Seated Press or Push Up (2 sets)
Abs (1 set)
I do this routine in addition to other activities.
Thanks for taking the time to post your routine Joe. I don’t really have a set routine. In most of my workouts I usually do some sort of chest press, pull down, leg press, and row. Some times I only do these three or four. Sometimes I add in more compound and/or simple movements. As far as exercise performance I try to do each exercise with the muscles doing the work. I have mixed thoughts on what I should be doing during the positive part of reps. The load is largely chosen by feel. I terminate a set largely by feel as well.
When I say I have mixed thoughts on what I should be doing during the positive, this is why. Granted I know the equipment I use plays a big part in all this:
I see the argument for moving at a pace that minimizes momentum. Using a load where you have to artificially keep the pace at the start of the set. You keep the muscles under constant tension, and they progressively weaken IF the tension is high enough. The forces coming back on the body are never much more than the load you’re contracting against.
I also see the argument for using a load that somewhat dictates pace or speed from the start of the set. I can also see the greater potential for injury with this.
Once again Joshy can’t take the heat….
Volume 2 of the RenEx manual should release by the end of 2014.
I can sustain for quite a long time on one session a week, although I have always made my best gains at 2x/week.
Joe H,
That’s a great start, you got your workout up, nice job.
Looks pretty vanilla, so where do you differ with RenEx and when will we see some photos of your great results?
Again with the pictures. Post your client case studies, with supporting photos, and I’ll post mine.
I check in here once in a while. I dont care what method of training anyone uses.
Joe H. why the resentment? Its clear you have one. Its like taking poison and hoping the other person dies. You sound like another hater,but different name. Maybe different IP same person. Dont really care. Let it go. You come off as being childish. Just saying.
If your an adult,I dont think anyone would know by the way you act here. Im not here to defend RenEx. Im just saying what im seeing. Looks like you found a way to train that you think works for you.(looking at your routine,looks like something I saw before,do you a trap bar?)Why not start your own blog or facebook if you feel strong about it and want to trash this place and talk about your methods?Its not that hard to do. But dont be surprised if you get about ten people,half who will disagree with you. But look at it as a way to talk about what is important to you. It will make you a better person maybe.
Im pretty sure your not going to change anyones minds who come here. They come here for a reason. The opposite reason you come here.
But I dont care what you do,or anyone else. Just saying.
Vanilla? That makes no sense. The problem with you, and trainers in general, is to justify your business you must complicate weight training (the clinical side for Rehab is excluded from this comment). I agree with not using momentum, smooth turn around, etc but my goodness you guys act as if weight training is Neurosurgery and it isn’t.
Hard work on the basics is all that is necessary. It worked decades ago and works now but it requires more than 12 or 15 minutes per session with a paid babysitter standing over one’s shoulder.
As with all commercial based trainers you must move along at a reasonable clip to put butts in the machines to make money and like Nautilus this is the root of the 12-15 minute training session. Seems to me those who are attracted to RenEx are the same people that want to build muscle and be healthy that you seen on the informercials for P90x and such but don’t want to paid the dues required to achieve. RenEx will never maximize muscle development and the videos of your staff training proves this true. They’ve had 2 years of training and I don’t see any difference in the old vs. the new videos of the same trainer.
ok, so what specifically do you disagree with?
This site works poorly and should be fixed by a professional IT guy
Josh reading any comment section on this website really highlights your inability to explain anything in layman’s terms or to be cordial. You also seem to take it as a challenge as if your knowledge and experience is the be all and end all of weight training.
When did you become the World’s foremost weight training guru? Was it before or after you associated yourself with Hutchins?
Hi Josh,
I would like to thank Joe H for publishing his workout. Joe H your workout appears mind blowing this workout is purely “legendary”. Why only one or 2 workouts per week? Do you make your best muscle gains with 1 workout per week or 2 times per week? What are your other activities that you do? Joe H sorry for all the questions?
Sarcasm Steve? That’s it? You’re correct it isn’t mind blowing, it just works. Some day you RenEx suckers will get it but like most of the SS people it will take years before you realize what the trainers are telling you doesn’t work.
Still waiting for the FACTS not conjecture , a SS specialty, but I know I wait in vain. The true believers will wait an eternity for proof all the while not making any appreciable muscle gains but still paying monthly fees for failure. SUCKERS.
uh….what do you disagree with?
it’s hard to believe that someone who hangs on every written word could disagree…i do understand the angst you have about not being included or having access….
Nice deflect but still short of proof.
“You keep asking for evidence. Every person that does this thing we’re saying feels an unmistakable effect. Every person. Do you want stats? Do you need studies? We have none. Yet. Do you want pics? we’ve published countless photos. My evidence is the results of my clients, my wife, my sister, my brother, friends, colleagues, and a myriad of people who have experienced what we’re talking about. And of course, my own physique development. n=1
In end, if this is all mental masturbation, as you put it, then we know where your predilections lie. “ -G-
Josh your empty words are on display and your clients/trainers lack of development is all I need to see. SS retread manual and articles are meaningless your master is still trying to prove he’s been correct. 30 years and still trying.
Informercial central
you love infomercials….4 visit today, yet the TV is off…weird…..
Round and round it goes.
Yes the weights go up and down. If one makes the weights go up and down they get stronger. So what? Prison weight training programs work great. Joshua never said they don’t.
Joe H are you a trainer or just a subject who applies training only to themselves?
Yea a person can get great result with no trainer, and make the weights go up and down. However, some people like having a trainer.
There are so many different angles/view points/dimensions to training.
You think it is all just a business model with turning appointments over and pushing people through a circuit to generate money. LOL. You must not have experience as a owner of a HIT studio.
What is your point Joe? Joshua and Ken are con men that are stealing money from everyone? Do you propose jailing them? Or just wishing them out of business is good enough? I don’t get it.
I had a real hard for RenEx for a couple of years and I really went after Joshua. Your attacks are funny and feeble minded. Somewhat entertaining to see what you will say next.
Your weight training program looks generic. A RenEx program is fundamentally generic also. The essence of weight training is pretty basic stuff. RenEx
Round and round it goes. Why don’t you find some CrossFit site to attack.. No don’t do that….. Go on the attack here. Let it rip. Give it your best shot. Are all your previous posts as good as you can do? Really? That is it? That is all you got?
A generic routine? and Joshua’s trainers don’t look fit enough to you?
I have witnessed people getting very fit using SS. But the one thing those people all had in common was a good diet. I have also witnessed those people letting it snap with the food, and wind up looking like they never trained in their life. Nutrition and sleep matters a hell of a lot compared to improvement with the stimulus. But if you have your nutrition and rest tweaked the stimulus becomes more significant.
How much do you weigh? How tall are you? What research do you have the proves the RenEx doesn’t work? Where are your studies that and other method is better?
Your kids stuff buddy. Easy pickings to blow out of the water . You really aren’t even worth the time to argue with. Your to stupid and ignorant. There is no point.
Further, as far as damage that you think you can personally do to Joshua or RenEx, don’t fool yourself into thinking that posting some messages on this site will do anything at all other than make a few of us chuckle when we need some entertainment.
You really want to play with the big boys, then post a solid useful argument. Other than Joshua’s trainers are out of shape. Is that the best you have got? I take it you weren’t on the Harvard debate team?
Joe H,
Further really who cares what you need to see or don’t need to see. Joshua is not obligated to prove anything to you. Take or leave it. You think it is shit, so say it is shit and move on. Or start a web site and spend money trying to expose the false hoods of RenEx. Spend your days, and time doing that.
Who cares what you need to see or don’t need to see. If Joshua convinced you RenEx was the best way to train in the world and you totally bought in. So what? Who cares. What is the value of your endorsement or lack of it. Some anonymous fool on the internet. It just doesn’t matter dude.
And either do any of these posts I am making in return to yours. Just liquid poo. No one cares. All of us just wasting life energy with this internet nonsense.
Either way, on Thursday I get back to work on Project X.
Maybe you should open a training shop across the street from Joshua and go into competition. Get it done , where the rubber meats the road.
All kind of things you can do Joe.
Joe H you said.
“Nice deflect but still short of proof.”
Wow dude. Try proving your training system, or any training system. What are you looking for Joe H? Proof? Classic stuff buddy. You sound like a real dud who read Ayn Rand, didn’t do college level philosophy work, didn’t take college statistics, didn’t take college level research classes, and didn’t participate on the debate team. Sorry for you dude.
I see I did not get my questions answered that I ask Joe H. Maybe Joe over looked my post.
Josh knows what I mean when I say” Crickets” Some of the easy questions seam hard for others to answer. Worse yet when you can prove them wrong. Just change the subject. Im not talking about Josh’s replies.
I did overlook your post. It is easy with all the gobbly goo Josh and Jeff post.
Please post it again and I’ll try my best to answer.
Dave….yup…crickets as usual
Leave Joshy alone…
Some anger issues there Jeffy? LOL, yes Jeff you caught me, I was never on a debate team.
Does anybody think 2014 will bring proof from RenEx? ROFL, better chance that global warming is real.
Jeffy the problem with you and all RenExers is that you’ll think talking means the task is accomplished. Sadly, this attitude is something you see every where in America currently. Discussing/addressing a problem to this group is fixing the problem. However, DISCUSSING and RESOLVING a problem are different. It is unfortunate that with all the brain power at RenEx nobody understands this fine point.
I give it to RenEx, and it’s founder Hutchins, for blurring the facts and never presenting anything factual concerning the efficacy of their training.
“Re: Joshua Trentine’s questions about Rogue Hit
« Reply #1 on Sept 28, 2007, 3:54pm »
Quote: an experiment in rogue HIT. I am 6 weeks from a professional natural bodybuilding contest.I am under severe calorie restriction.I am not in a position to use this program in it’s entirety, but i did want to start to “feel it out”.
this is my first go at it, I’ve never trained in a style like this before.
i started the workout with one set of compound row then one set of supinated grip front pulldown.then bent- arm DB pullover:
65#x 30
80#x 20
90#x 15
naut super-pullover 110×30 hands only.
what a blast from the past, my only concern is that as i progress up the db will be limiting, clearing my head with bigger weights.
what do you think about switching to a short barbell?
i wouldn’t be surprised if someone fashioned a special apparatus to do these, i never bother with them too much because i have had various pullover machines for many years.
anyway it went well!
Wow, it wasn’t long ago you were clueless and searching for anything that would work but now you’re an expert a mere 6 years later with all the answers! Well done!
Joe H,
I just wrote you a long response and it got lost.
You are telling me that I am all talk. Go to google. Search google patent search. Click on google patent search. Search MedX linear bearing weight stack. Check out the alignment system, and adjustability. Do you have any fing idea what is involved in putting something like that together?
Ok, show me your chops. I showed you mine.
I am still doing work on that project. I am also working hard on Project X and getting product produced. It does involve a lot of discussions, takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money. Got some pretty solid builds for the weekend put together. Don’t know how that is all talk. There is a lot to getting a software project put together and pulled off. And there are never any definites that it will be a success or get done
I am pretty excited about Project X, I think it is very promising.
And there a lot of other moving parts going on in my life that produce product. I wish it didn’t take so much discussion, red tape and b.s. to get things done.
But only thing one can do is keep grinding through it.
You are mildly entertaining Joe H. You seem like a nice enough guy. Heck you are interested in RenEx.
Would be interesting to learn about your accomplishments in this field. Please share.
Most of the civilian population has fled, as trying to use civilians as human shields does not work against the Pakistani areymYik.s…But at least that probably reduces the likelihood that Taleban pursues that tactic
Joe H.,
Do you have any idea how much work Joshua and Ken have put into RenEx and their equipment? Do you have a clue? Have you ever been directly involved in creating your own products, on your own? Throw down.
Joe H.,
Hey where is your line of weight training equipment? Where is your defined exercise method, certification, and educational materials?
You need to come up with a better attack against RenEx. I know you got it in you. You can do it Joe H. Is what you have posted so far really your best shot. You have kind of turned out to be a disappointment. But maybe you got some ammo to fire off.
Could make Monday entertaining!
Come on man drop the bomb!! Blow RenEx up… Put Joshua out business, put his trainers on unemployment. Bring the whole shooting match down with key strokes.
Jeff you seem to be a nice guy too and I’m not knocking your skill as a machinist or the machines . I’m knocking the outrageous claims Josh and his people have posted on various weight training forums. Specifically the best weight training method ever devised and the build muscle faster than any other training method available line. Bold talk but still light on the facts. Why is it not possible for Josh to post a few case studies with some of his clients? Two years of training and not a single in house case study?
As I’ve requested time and again, I would like proof not lip service. If one says I have the best method of weight training ever devised I don’t think it is asking too much for proof of such a claim. So far Josh and company has gone out of their way to bash anybody and everybody that asks for proof rather than provide the facts.
Joe H.
Most companies use some puffery in their marketing. Why are you so sensitive to it?
Not sensitive but tired of the outrageous, unproven claims. Only in the crooked world of weight training can someone say anything, prove nothing, and generate a following based on BS (see SS for more details).